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Club House
Whether you need to book a business event or family celebration, the club house has something for every Columbia Place resident. Reserve your space today!

Reserve for Your Next Event
The club house at 1203 Coulee Way is the place to book for large get-togethers with family and friends or to host business conference meetings.* Furnished club house rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi and state-of-the-art technology for streaming entertainment or business presentations. There's also a chef-friendly commercial kitchen to prepare meals, party platters, snacks, and more.
Maximum capacity: 50 people
Maximum enjoyment: Unlimited
*Restrictions may apply.
BOOK NOWRental Terms and Conditions / Event Procedures and Protocols:
- Standard rentals for the hours of 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. the same day are available with a deposit of $250 fee. Setup cannot begin prior to 8 am, and the club house must be cleaned and cleared the same day or at end of event.
- No activity or event for which the club house is used shall be advertised or publicized in any manner to solicit the attendance of members of the public without express written consent b Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC- and Columbia Place Condominium Association.
- No admission fee shall be charged for any private event including the sale of any items or the solicitation in any form of money without express written consent of Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC- and Columbia Place Condominium Association.
- Reservation and/or use of the club house is on a first come, first served basis.
- Recurring events may only be scheduled Monday through Saturday.
- A $250.00 deposit and rental fees for the entire event is due at the time the Agreement is submitted. All money orders and/or certified checks, to include those for deposit will be deposited upon receipt. The deposit is refundable based on compliance with the Rental Terms and Conditions. Deposits refunds may be held for up to 30 days before processed to allow for any cleaning fees to be received, as well as for any estimates for damages to be received. The rental fee is non-refundable unless rental is cancelled at least one month (30 calendar days) prior to the scheduled event.
- The Registered Columbia Place Resident hosting the event must provide written proof of “Special Event Insurance” at least fourteen (14) days prior to the event; A homeowner’s policy will not fulfil this requirement. This document will remain with the Columbia Place Condominium Association.
- The registered Columbia Place resident hosting this event must be at least 21 years of age.
- The registered Columbia Place resident hosting the event must be present during the entirety of the event
- The entire club house must be cleaned, surfaces wiped clean. floors swept, and the refrigerator emptied. All garbage, including bathroom trash, must be bagged, and properly disposed of by the club house renter.
- Noise must be kept to a minimum. New Castle County noise ordinances must be observed. Be considerate to other homes near the club house.
- Parking is limited in around the CP club house. Guests of the registered Columbia Place resident are not permitted to park or block other Columbia Place resident parking access. Vehicles parked in or blocking other cars or emergency route will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense without notice. Arrangements for parking can potentially be made at The Siegel Jewish Community Center, 101 Garden of Eden, Wilmington, DE 19803- 302.478.5660
- No alcoholic beverages are permitted to be served or consumed at the club house unless with an accompanying insurance certificate with $500,000 minimum coverage. Use of any alcoholic beverage(s) will result in the loss of deposit, future use of the club house, and may be subject to additional fines or restrictions.
- No unlawful activity is allowed.
- The premises will be cleaned by the registered Columbia Place residents within the rental period.
- lf the security alarm goes off for any reason during the event, the registered Columbia Place Resident will be assessed any fees imposed by the New Castle County Alarm Administration.
- If the police department is called to the event for any reason, the entire deposit will be forfeited. and the registered Columbia Place resident will be reviewed for future use of the Columbia Place club house for a period to be determined by Reybold Group
- The registered Columbia Place resident will abide by all terms and conditions relating to the use of the Columbia Place club house and all applicable New Castle County and State of Delaware laws.
- The registered Columbia Place resident is fully responsible for the behavior and actions of their guests and for enforcing compliance by all guests of all regulations anywhere on Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC- and Columbia Place Condominium Association property including inside and outside the club house.
- No items already in the club house may be removed and the registered Columbia Place resident is responsible to pay the Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC and/or Columbia Place Condominium Association for any missing items evidenced by pre and post club house inventories.
- The registered Columbia Place resident is responsible to pay the Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC for any repairs or replacements necessary due to damage caused by the renter or guests including, but not limited to, damage to any part of the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows. appliances, furniture, equipment, or grounds in the area of the club house.
- The registered Columbia Place resident agrees that the security deposit will be used to pay for the cleaning and/or damages resulting f om actions of persons attending, or in any other way related to the rental event including, but not limited to, the club house area, furniture, interior, or any other portion related to the property. lf the costs of cleaning and/or repairs exceed the amount of the deposit, the registered Columbia Place residents agrees to pay the Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC- the full cost of all cleaning and/or repairs within ten (I 0) days of receipt of a written explanation of the damages and a bill from the Reybold Venture Group XVIII-A-LLC for cleaning and or repairs. If damages result in loss to use of the club house. additional fees and fines may be incurred and charged to the resident.